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山东自考-2022 年 10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)
2022 年 10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试
(课程代码 00015)
1.本试卷共 8 页,满分 100 分,考试时间 150 分钟。
第一部分:阅读判断(第 1~10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)
下面的短文后列出了 10 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择 A; 如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择 C 。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。
Lacking in Self-Esteem(自尊)?Good for You!
According to psychological and educational theories, self-esteem is essential for a successful life. Generations of children, especially minority kids, have been educated according to the theory that they lack self-esteem, and that this deficiency is central to any problems they may have in making their way in the world.
Well, guess what?A new research has found that self-esteem can be just as high among grade D students and drunk drivers as it is among Nobel Prize winners and former presidents. In fact, people with high self-esteem can engage in far more anti-social behavior than those with low self-esteem. “We used to believe that high self-esteem would cause all sorts of positive consequences and that if we raised self-esteem, people would do better in life, ”a researcher said.“Mostly, the data have failed to support that. ”Racists, street thugs(恶棍)and school bullies(恶霸)all have high scores on the self-esteem tests. And you can see why. If you think you’re highly gifted, you’re particularly offended if other people don’t treat you that way. So you hit out or commit crimes to defend your pride. After all, who are they to suggest that you could be doing something wrong? What do they know?
Self-esteem can also be an educational concern. College teachers are constantly complaining about the high self-esteem of their students. When every grade in the school is assessed so as to make the kid feel good rather than to give an accurate measure of his work, the kid can develop self-esteem dangerously unrelated to the truth.When he’s told he is getting a C grade in college, he can then get deeply offended or extremely angry. Weak professors give in to the pressure—hence, grade inflation, which results in their students ’ vague touch with reality.
1.It is believed that minority kids often have self-esteem problems.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
2.A new research shows that high self-esteem is essential to success.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
3.Parents are responsible for their children’s self-esteem.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
4.Anti-social behavior is related to low self-esteem.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
5. Racists have low self-esteem.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
6.People with high self-esteem are hurt more easily.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
7.College students are faced with high economic pressure.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
8.College teachers are often annoyed with students ’ high self-esteem.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
9.High grades help students know the truth of themselves.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
10.Some college students may find a C grade offending.
A.True B.False C.Not Given
第二部分:阅读选择(第 11~15 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)
阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的 4 个选项(A 、B 、C 、D)中选出 1 个最佳选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将 该项涂黑。
Organic Farming
During thousands of years of human civilization, the raising of animals and growing of plants have always been organic. Chemicals for farming first came up at the turn of the 20th century. Widespread use of chemicals began after World War II. In the 1950s and 60s farmers started using chemical fertilizers and pesticides(杀虫剂). Recently, however, more and more farmers have been returning to organic farming.
In organic farming, farm products are produced in more natural ways. Crops, meat and other food are produced without chemicals. Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and growth hormones( 激 素)are forbidden. Farmers enrich the soil with natural fertilizers. They pull out weeds by hand. Hay and straw are put between the rows of plants to stop weeding. They rely on the natural enemies of pests to control pests. Animals are fed organically and can eat grass outdoors. Cows, for example, are kept in pastures(草场)and fields. Vegetables and fruit are also produced with organic methods.
Organic farming enjoys many advantages. For example, crop rotation can preserve the good qualities of soils. The growing of different crops can keep soils healthy and fertile. Organic farming is healthier for farm workers, and there are fewer remains of chemicals in food. In the long term, organic farms save energy and protect the environment. It can slow down global warming and reduce the pollution of ground water.
Meanwhile, there are some disadvantages. Organic food is more expensive. Organic products may cost up to 40% more. Production costs are higher as farmers need more workers, and the land output is much less. Marketing and distribution is not efficient because organic food is produced in smaller amounts. Crop illness may happen very often. Besides, organic farming cannot produce enough food for the world’s population to survive. This could lead to starvation in countries that can produce enough food today.
11.Organic farming .
A.started in the 1950s B.had a short history
C.has become popular in recent years D.was promoted by World War II
12.In organic farming, .
A.cows can move around in fields B.natural enemies of pests are scarce
C.chemicals are used to kill pests D.machines are used to pull out weeds
13.The phrase “crop rotation”(Para. 3) probably means “ .”
A.growing high-yielding crops B.seasonal growing of crops
C.planting soil-enriching crops D.regular changing of crops
14.One advantage of organic farming is that it is .
A.water-saving B.labor-saving
C.market-friendly D.environment-friendly
15.The problem of organic farming is .
A.poor qualities of soils B.high production costs
C.the use of too much land D.the shortage of farm workers
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第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第 16~25 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)
阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的 2 项测试任务:(1)从第 16~20 题后所给的 6 个选项中为第①~⑤段每段选择 1 个正 确小标题;(2)从第 21~25 题后所给的 6 个选项中选择 5 个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。将答案写在答题卡第二部分 答题区内。
Health Benefits of Honey with Milk
Honey and milk get along well. Since ancient times this mix is known for its amazing health benefits.
①Take a glass of honey with milk before you set out for your day in the morning, and you are guaranteed enough energy to get through the morning rush. Milk provides you the proteins required while honey helps you get the energy by breaking down these proteins. No wonder this drink is meant for all ages alike.
②Milk is known for providing calcium(钙),which, in right levels, helps in preventing bone diseases as we age. Research has indicated that honey does a good job of carrying nutrients(营养成分)in the food through the blood to various parts of the body. In particular, honey helps in the absorption of calcium, the vital part of milk.
③If you ask doctors or your grandmother for a solution to your sleeplessness, you are bound to get the same answer—a glass of warm milk with honey. It is best known to induce sleep. So take it regularly if you have sleeping problems.
④Milk and honey not only help in preventing aging by keeping the skin glowing, but also improve your body as a whole as they contain antioxidants (抗氧化物). These help keep the body young and flexible. For a very long time, this has been an open secret in keeping your body look and feel young.
⑤Both milk and honey are known to ward off harmful bacteria in our body, but their combined strength is more effective in achieving this effect. Cough and cold can be prevented by taking this drink regularly. It also aids in digestion and treating
bowel disorders.
A.Honey milk for digestion
B.Honey milk for a youthful glow
C.Honey milk for stronger bones
D.Honey milk for energy
E.Honey milk for a sound sleep
F.Honey milk for antibacterial benefits
A.in proteins and calcium
B.fat and sugar
C.cough and cold
D.keep off harmful bacteria
E.drink milk with honey
F.of calcium in milk
第四部分:填句补文(第 26~30 题,每题 2 分,
下面的短文有 5 处空白,短文后有 6 个句子,其中 5 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置, 以恢 复文章原貌,将答案写在答题卡第二部分答题区内。
I just could not fall asleep the other night. I just didn’t feel sleepy. I can’t explain why, but it was really annoying.
I got very bored lying in bed, so I decided to read a book. 26 But even when I finished reading , I still didn’t feel tired. So I listened to some peaceful music. That didn’t work, either. I have heard people say if you have a warm drink before bedtime it will help you drift off to sleep. So I went downstairs and made myself a cup of tea. 27 Still, I couldn’t sleep. I was getting very frustrated by this point!
It felt strange to be awake while everyone else was asleep. 28 In fact, it was a little bit frightening.When you go to
sleep, it feels like one day ends and another begins.But if you stay up late, you realize that day and night are just a gentle transition (转变), a cycle which has no end and no beginning. At 4 a.m., I noticed a faint light coming through my curtains. The sun had started to rise!
Normally, I’m a heavy sleeper. 29 So on this occasion I considered myself lucky to see a beautiful sunrise. As the sun came up in the east, the birds started to sing their morning songs. I knew I needed to get some rest, but it seemed the harder I tried to force myself asleep, the more difficult it was.
Eventually, I just let my mind go free. 30 I listened to the birdsong …and the next thing I knew it was 11 a.m.! I was happy that I had managed to get some sleep! I have never struggled with sleeping before, so this was my first experience of insomnia. Fortunately, I have been sleeping well since then.
A.The world seemed so quiet.
B.I stopped forcing myself to sleep.
C.After my tea, I got back into bed.
D.I didn’t want to wake up my family.
E.I thought reading would help me get to sleep.
F.I had never been awake at this time in the morning.
第五部分:填词补文(第 31~40 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
下面的短文有 10 处空白,短文后列出 12 个词,其中 10 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以 恢复文章原貌,将答案写在答题卡第二部分答题区内。
A smile costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who 31 , without making those who give poor. It happens in a 32 and the memory of it sometimes lasts 33 . None are so rich that they can get along without it,and none so 34 but are richer for its benefits.It creates 35 in the home, and fosters goodwill in a business. It is rest to the weary(疲劳的) , daylight to the 36 and sunshine to the sad. Yet it can’t be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given 37 . And if in the last-minute rush of Christmas 38 , some of our salespeople should be too 39 to give you a smile, may we 40 you to leave one of yours? For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give!
C.happiness F.flash
第六部分:完形补文(第 41~50 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
下面的短文有 10 处空白,每处空白后的括号内有一个词,请根据短文内容将其正确的形式填入文中,以恢复文章 原貌,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。
The Importance of Friendship for School-age Children
Friends are very important to school-age children’s healthy (health) development. Research has 41 (show) that children who lack friends can suffer from emotional and mental difficulties later in life. They have also found that children with friends have a 42 (great) sense of happiness, better self-esteem and fewer problems as they grow up.
Friendships provide children with more than just fun 43 (playmate). They help children develop emotionally and
44 (moral). In interacting with friends, children learn many 45 (society) skills, such as how to communicate, and how to cooperate. They practice 46 (control) their emotions and responding to the emotions of others.They develop the 47 (able) to think through and negotiate different situations in their relationships. Having friends 48 (affect) children in many ways, even their school 49 (perform). Children tend to have better attitudes about school and learning when they have friends there. In short, friendships are not just a luxury; they are a 50 (necessary) for children.
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第七部分:短文写作(第 51 题,30 分)
请根据所提供材料中的要求完成一篇 100 词左右的英文写作任务。将你的答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。
某英文报社正在举办题为 “My Dream Trip” 的征文活动,请 你根据下述写作要点提交一篇英文短文应征。
2022 年 10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试
(课程代码 00015)
第一部分:阅读判断(第 1~10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B
6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A
第二部分:阅读选择(第 11~15 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)
11.C 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.B
第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第 16~25 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)
16.D 17.C 18.E 19.B 20.F
21.A 22.D 23.F 24.E 25.C
第四部分:填句补文(第 26~30 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)
26.E 27.C 28.A 29.F 30.B
第五部分:填词补文(第 31~40 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
31.G 32.F 33.A 34.I 35.C
36.E 37.B 38.K 39.H 40.L
第六部分:完形补文(第 41~50 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分) 41.shown 42.greater 43.playmates 44.morally 45.social 46.controlling 47.ability 48.affects 49.performance 50.necessity
【评分参考】本部分无 0.5 和 1 分的计分。语法错误或拼写错误均不给分;英、美拼写均可接受;大小写错误不扣 分。
第七部分:短文写作(第 51 题,30 分)
本题总分为 30 分,按 5 个档次评分。
评分时,先根据文章的内容要点、篇章结构和语言运用初步确定其所属的档次,然后依照该档次的具体要求酌情 增减分数,最后给分。
应避免分数趋中现象,即不能只给中间档次的分数。该给高分时就应给高分(包含满分),该给低分时就应给低 分(包含 0 分)。
拼写和标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英式、美式拼写及用法 均可接受。
第一档 25~30 分:圆满完成了试题规定的任务。
第二档 19~24 分:完成了试题规定的任务。
第三档 13~ 18 分:基本完成了试题规定的任务。
第四档 7~ 12 分:完成了一部分试题规定的任务。
第五档 1~6 分:未完成试题规定的任务。
0 分:所传达的信息或所用语言太少,无法评价;所写内容与题目要求完全无关。

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