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I.重写句子(15 points,1.5 points each)
Revise each of the following sentences according to the requirement in brackets.
Example: The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways. (periodic sentence)
In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization.
1. Learning a new language demands time. It needs patience too. (simple sentence)
2. Bacon stepped to the front of the room. He tripped over the microphone cord. (compound sentence)
3. Harrison’s Chemical Corporation is a company. It sponsors important research. (complex sentence)
4. We looked at only two houses before buying the house of our dreams. (periodic sentence)
5. Pigeons adjust to farm life. They adjust to city streets. In city streets they peck their livelihoods from garage heaps. (compound-complex sentence)
6. She was greatly disappointed to find that the picture did not look like her. (sentence with to opener)
7. He cut the grass. She trimmed the bushes. The children swept the clippings and put them into plastic bags. (long sentence)
8. She stood there. She watched the fair woman walk down the long line of galleries with grace and majesty. (sentence with a modifying phrase)
9. Tom went to college. His brother James didn’t. James had a very weak heart. (compound-complex sentence )
10. After losing his glasses,Tom drove down the wrong side of the street. He ran a stop sign,and went through two red lights. (sentence with parallel structure)
II.修改病句(15 points,3 points each)
Correct the errors in the following sentences.
Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television. I resolved never to buy that brand again.
After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television,I resolved never to buy that brand again.
11. Mr. Baker used to teach arts in Memorial High School I used to be a student there.
12. My parents bought a house from a man with no inside plumbing.
13. The World Wide Web is easy to use. Loaded with links and graphics.
14. To please the children,some fireworks were set off a day earlier.
15. The tribe emphasized collective survival,mutual aid and being responsible for one another.
III.辨认主题句(15 points,5 points each)
16. Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice in the blank provided.
[A] Each of us inherits a culture made up,in part,of commonly accepted knowledge.
[B] We may also learn that eating too much candy will decay our teeth.
[C] We may learn from others that the earth revolves around the sun.
[D] These are the things that everybody knows.
Your choice: ________
17. Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.
Paraphrasing,as well as quotation,is an essential skill in writing research papers. Paraphrasing is used for different purposes. Some paraphrases will be designated to support already existing evidence. Others will reinforce argumentation against evidence. Still others will help to develop existing arguments and provide back-up for any conclusion drawn in the course of writing. Depending on the function,paraphrases will be introduced in accordance with their unique context.
18. Read the following paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the four options that follow. Write the corresponding letter of your choice in the blank provided.
Most adults sleep between seven and nine hours,but occasionally people turn up who need twelve hours or so,while some rare types can get by on three or four. Rarest of all are those legendary types who require almost no sleep at all; respected researchers have recently studied three such people. One of them—a healthy,happy woman in her seventies—sleeps about an hour every two or three days. The other two are men in early middle age,who get by on a few minutes a night. One of them complains about the daily fifteen minutes or so he’s forced to “waste” in sleeping.
[A] Sleep is a waste of time.
[B] Adequate sleeping hours are essential for most adults.
[C] Adults and teenagers vary widely in their sleeping habits.
[D] A fact about sleep is that individual needs for it vary widely.
Your choice:__________
IV.重新组合段落(5 points,1 point each)
19. Rearrange the following sentences so that they read logically. Put the corresponding letters in a proper sequence in the boxes provided below. The positions of some sentences have been given.
[A] We generally recognize that future circumstances are somehow caused or conditioned by present ones.
[B] Besides,we also learn that such patterns of cause and effect are probabilistic in nature.
[C] Thus, students learn that studying hard produces good grades in most instances,but not every time.
[D] Humans seem predisposed to undertake this task by using causal and probabilistic reasoning.
[E] Practically all people,and many other animals as well,exhibit a desire to predict their future circumstances.
[F] We learn that getting an education will affect how much money we earn later in life and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy encounter with a shark.
[G] That is,the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are absent—but not always.
[H] Sharks,on the other hand—whether or not they reason the matter through—may learn that hanging around the reef often brings a happy encounter with unhappy swimmers.
V.划掉与段落内容无关的句子(10 points,5 points each)
20. Read the following paragraph and cross out the TWO irrelevant sentences.
November and December are wonderful months for gardening in St. Petersburg, Florida. While residents of northern states are more concerned with preparations for winter,gardeners on the Sun coast of Florida can enjoy natural circumstances that enhance their efforts. Football enthusiasts in November and December can enjoy the sport throughout the country. Temperatures in Florida are warm enough to grow abundant amounts of flowers and vegetables. Flowers can be seen everywhere in the US. Plants and gardeners are relatively free from the annoying bug populations that present problems during the summer. If you enjoy gardening,you’ll find November and December good months in St. Petersburg,Florida.
Ⅵ.写信(40 points)
21. Write a letter to apply for a position of secretary in a foreign trade company advertised in a newspaper on July 15,2010. Write to tell Mr. Heba,the manager of the company,your interest in the position,your qualifications,and your work experience. Don’t forget to mention your resume and two reference letters enclosed,your phone number (555-5555),and your email address (liping@126.com) for further contact. Please sign your name as Li Ping. (150-200 words)

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