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一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)从下列各句四
1. We ______ go out to restaurants, but mostly we eat at home.
A. occasionally
B. relatively
C. continually
D. absolutely
2. This is the first time that a woman has been _____ to the post.
A. granted
B. praised
C. pointed
D. appointed
3. If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_____ .
A. aggression
B. advantage
C. alternative
D. ambition
4. Dont trust everything______ you have read in the newspapers.
A. which
B. that
C. as
D. what
5. The conclusion from the study is not definite; it is just_____ .
A. tentative
B. valid
C. technical
D. thorough
6. She _____ everything else and concentrated on the task before her.
A. set off
B. set back
C. set aside
D. set up
7. When you _____ know Bob better, you will like him.
A. go to
B. got to
C. went to
D. get to
8. Ive got the order from the boss that the work ______ finished before 5p.m.
A. would be
B. be
C. will have been
D. could be
9. ______Tom has done really amazed everyone in his class.
A. What
B. Which
C. That
D. Who
10. It is not decided _____ the conference will be held.
A. what
B. which
C. when
D. that
二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个
1. We all believe that modern technology can make life better because it makes
everything faster. But by 11 everything up, we suffer losses we have not yet learnt
to know. Our day begins with speedy urges: the alarm rings and you jump 12 bed. You
take a quick shower. Then you wake the kids and 13 them through breakfast so they
wont miss the bus. At the dining table, you swallow some slices of bread with a cup
of tea. When everything 14, you hurry to the car, thinking of the things you would
buy from the supermarket on the way 15. Driving 20 minutes in the busy traffic, you
reach your workplace, rushing into the building and 16 up the stairs three at a
time, arriving at your desk with seconds to spare. You take 17 deep breaths. Then,
you instantly remember that the 18 you didnt finish last night must be faxed to
Beijing by 10 oclock in the morning.
Yet it seems that the 19 we go, the further we fall behind. Not only in the literal
sense of not getting done what we set out to do, 20 at a deeper level. It has come
to the point where my days feel like an Olympic marathon.
三、Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文
1. Parents can have a great impact on the development of their childrens
creativity in art. But first, they have to know how. They may find the following
advice interesting and instructive.
Encourage free drawing rather than coloring books. Coloring books stop the
possibility of selfexpression. A child may just enjoy colorful pictures and never
learn how to express himself. As an art teacher says, “Children have a very
powerful instinct to draw freely and roughly. Such practice makes them learn
language easily.” In fact, a child expresses himself in rough drawing. This is the
beginning of literacy and creativity. Also, parents should not teach their
kids“how” to draw and they should not make their kids draw realistic pictures to
entertain themselves. Experience tells us that such teaching from the parents will
discourage children, making them think they cant do it the “right”way.
Competition and rewards should also be avoided in the process of artistic creation.
A childs natural instinct to create will disappear if he or she thinks about prize
while drawing.
Parents should be role models for their kids. They should not say things like,“I
cant draw a straight line.”Instead, they should learn to say,“I love to
create.”This teaches children that the process of creation is more important than
the product. If children see their parents drawing, cooking or building creatively,
they will do the same.
Buy a notebook for your child to use every day. This can be a journal for making up
stories, writing ideas and drawing pictures. Even the youngest child can use it to draw freely and roughly, expressing himself.
Take your child to places that promote ideas and creativity. Art museums, science
centers, libraries and childrens museums all are great places to see other peoples
creativity. That will inspire children to make their own creations and inventions.
Give children choices and free time. Some of the best ideas come from daydreaming and imagining.
In short, parents should allow their kids to have the freedom to invent for
themselves. That means not always teaching and commanding.
(1). To develop their artistic creativity, children should be encouraged to______.
(A). draw freely and roughly
(B). learn to draw realistic pictures
(C). know how to draw before they start
(D). learn to draw good pictures to get prizes
(2). Parents are encouraged to be role models for their kids because .
(A). parents love to create
(B). parents can draw straight lines
(C). children tend to follow their parents examples
(D). children like the product of their parents creativity
(3). It can be inferred from the passage that in artistic creation .
(A). product is more important than process
(B). process is more important than product
(C). process and product are equally important
(D). both process and product are unimportant
(4). To be inspired by other peoples creativity,children should .
(A). write ideas
(B). make up stories
(C). buy good notebooks
(D). visit museums, libraries, and science centers
(5). The main idea of this passage is that .
(A). children should be encouraged to draw freely
(B). children should follow their parents examples
(C). parents should know how to cultivate their kids creativity
(D). most parents teach their kids confidently and instructively
2. It is often said that politeness costs nothing. In fact, it seems that a little
more politeness could save businesses £5 billion every year. Frequently hearing the
phrase“thank you” or “well done” means the same to staff as a modest pay rise.
Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in
their jobs. In this way the business companies can save the cost of finding new
employees. A third of 1,000 workers surveyed by a consulting firm said they did not
get thanked at all when they did well—and a further third said they were not
thanked enough. In both cases, staff said they felt undervalued, meaning they were
less likely to exert themselves and were more likely to look for employment
The result of the survey shows that there would be around £52 billion loss in
productivity if the employees felt less appreciated. According to the firm, praising
staff has the same positive effect as a 1 per cent pay rise—and works out much
cheaper for bosses. Three out of four employees said that regular acknowledgement by
their bosses was important to them, but only a quarter said they were actually given
as much praise as they felt they needed.
The survey found that those in bluecollar and manual jobs were less likely to be
given any recognition for doing well. But it seems that they most need such praise.
In regional terms, Scottish staff felt most undervalued. Four out of ten workers
said they were never thanked and eight out of ten said they would like more praise.
However, workers in the NorthEast are less impressed by being praised by the boss,
as only 69 per cent said they felt the need to be told “well done” regularly.
Older employees and women need the most reassurance, according to psychologist
Averil Leimon. She said that words of praise did more than creating a pleasant place
to work—they could even promote profits.
(1). The survey indicates that politeness could save businesses a huge amount of
money every year because .
(A). politeness makes employees expect pay rise
(B). politeness is less likely to make staff work harder
(C). politeness helps employers find proper employees
(D). politeness helps employers reduce the cost of staff employment
(2). Workers doing well but not getting thanks from their bosses will probably .
(A). leave for jobs elsewhere
(B). work harder to get praise from their bosses
(C). exert themselves in their work to get pay rise
(D). work harder to get encouragement from their bosses
(3). According to the survey, of the employees believed they were praised as
much as expected.
(A). 25%
(B). 30%
(C). 40%
(D). 75%
(4). The survey shows that those who do not pay much attention to praise are .
(A). staff from Scotland
(B). workers in NorthEast
(C). older and women employees
(D). older and women employees
(5). It can be concluded from the passage that .
(A). bluecollar employees are expecting more pay rise
(B). pleasant workplace could promote business profits
(C). pay rise is an important motivation for manual workers
(D). words of praise could possibly increase business profits
3. A centuriesold tradition, illustrated in a modern childrens book, links the
sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read.
“The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see. He then dipped a
spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book.
The little girl had just turned five.
‘Stand up, little one,’ he asked the girl softly.‘I did this for your mother,
your uncles, your older brother, and now you!’
Then, he handed the book to her.‘Taste!’
She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.
‘Whats that taste?’ the grandpa asked.
The little girl answered,‘Sweet!’
Then all of the family said in a single voice,‘Yes, and so is knowledge, but
knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honey, you have to go after it
through the pages of a book!’
The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers. Soon she was going
to learn to read.”
This is the beginning of a profoundly moving childrens book entitled Thank You,
Mr.Falker.In this book, Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read, inspired
by the honey on the book. It wasnt until fifth grade that she met her beloved
teacher who provided the hlep that she needed to finally unlock the magic of the
written word.
Reading this book,we are in fact acquainted with some enduring traditions of child
education that stress the importance of verbal capacity at a very early age.
The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books. And
with the printed words that are active with meaning, the child becomes acquainted
with a common past which he or she renews, to a greater or lesser degree, in every
reading. Much as the author of the book Thank You, Mr. Falker puts it,“Almost as if
it were magic, or as if light poured into her brain, the words and sentences started
to take shape on the page as they never had before…And she understood the whole
thing…Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf, the very
book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago. She spooned honey on the
cover and tasted the sweetness…Then she held the book, honey and all, close to her
chest. She could feel tears roll down her cheeks, but they werent tears of
sadness—she was happy, so very happy.”
(1). The girl who tasted the honey on the book was .
(A). nearly six years old
(B). less than five years old
(C). more than six years old
(D). a little more than five years old
(2). It can be inferred from the passage that .
(A). the girls mother and uncles were good scholars
(B). Mr.Falker helped Patricia Polacco write her book for children
(C). the honeyonthebook tradition has been practised for many generations
(D). the girl who tasted the honey on the book writes the book Thank You, Mr.
(3). The book entitled Thank You, Mr. Falker is about .
(A). the early life of Mr. Falker
(B). Polaccos early experience with reading
(C). the magic power of written words on children
(D). how the honey on the book makes children feel happy
(4). The main purpose of this passage is to .
(A). introduce a “profoundly moving”childrens book
(B). tell that childrens verbal capacity is very important
(C). show that words are magic and they make children happy
(D). show how the girl who tasted the honey on the book grew into a writer
(5). The last paragraph implies that the happiness of the little girl came from.
(A). the honey she tasted
(B). the ability to read books
(C). the book her grandpa had shown her
(D). the collective memory that accepted her
四、Word Form(10 points,1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式
1. This was one of the most ___(fruit) debates of the conference.
2. None of the applicants has any___ (profession) job experience.
3. Most computer users have never received any formal training;___ (consequence),
their skills are limited.
4. Our new office building is ___(infinite) better than the old one.
5. Their aim was to___ (modern)the health service, and they succeeded.
6. She felt very ___(weaken)after long illness.
7. When the play started, the children ___(tell)to sit down quietly.
答案:were told
8. We should take a ___(globe)view of our business.
9. It took her only five minutes to work out a ___(solve) to the difficult
10. The doctor advised him to eat a great___ (various)of food.
五、Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points for each
1. 不管愿不愿意,你都必须按时完成这个项目。
答案:Whether you like it or not, you have to finish this project on time.
2. 死记硬背的东西很容易被遗忘。
答案:What is learned by rote will easily be forgotten/be forgotten easily.
3. 经过长期的和平谈判,两国最终达成了协议。
答案:After a long period of peace talks, the two countries have finally come to
terms/reached an agreement.
4. 请读一下这份介绍今年财务状况的报告。
答案:Please read this report which presents an account of this years financial
Please read this report about this years financial situation.
5. 要做这样的实验,就需要付出最大的努力和耐心。
答案:To undertake such an experiment, one should work with greatest efforts and
六、Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将
1. Adults can teach children to handle money by helping them to follow a money
management plan. First, children should be taught ways to earn money. Babysitting,
newspaper routes, or housework may be options. Then they should be shown how to save
for something special. A plan can be developed that allows them to use a little of
their money they earn for minor purchases, such as birthday cards and candy. The
rest of the money they earn can be put in the bank. When there is enough, the child
can purchase some big items, such as MP4, DVD players, etc. A money management plan
taught early can help children spend money more wisely later in life.

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